The P4H Network is the global network for social health protection and health financing
10 |
Country members | |||
15 |
Host Location HQ of member organizations | |||
3 |
Country Members with a P4H-CFP | |||
15 |
Ongoing collaboration with a P4H-CFP | |||
23 |
Ongoing collaboration without a P4H-CFP | |||
33 |
Past collaboration |
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Why has NHS England been abolished and what does it mean for patients?
P4H Case Studies
AllP4H Country Focal Persons
P4H country focal persons (P4H-CFPs) support social health protection (SHP) and health financing (HF) processes and reforms at the country level. P4H-CFPs play the role of honest broker in SHP and HF policy dialogue and facilitate collaboration within the P4H Network.

As an honest broker in policy dialogues, P4H supports collaboration and the exchange of knowledge among stakeholders in SHP and HF.