This Supreme Decree 25265 established that children under 5 years of age, pregnant women in Bolivia had the right to access a basic package of preventive and curative health services, and the general population to the diagnosis and treatment of some communicable...
Law determining the Fundamental Principles of Health
Law 2022-34 lays down the essential rules governing public health and hygiene in the Republic of Niger. It was adopted by the French President on July 11, 2022. Having heard the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly deliberates and adopts, the President of the...
Decree on the Statute of the National Institute for Medical Assistance in Niger
The second decree, adopted by the Council of Ministers on June 12, approves the status of the Institut national d'assistance médicale (INAM). The Institute is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Health and the financial supervision of the Ministry of...
Decree creating the National Institute for Medical Assistance in Niger
On January 12, 2023, the Nigerien government established INAM as a public administrative institution with the mission of implementing policies, strategies and reforms relating to the financing and delegated management of free healthcare for vulnerable populations by...
Adoption of decree setting membership and registration terms and conditions -AMU
Le Conseil des ministres du Burkina Faso, tenu le mercredi 9 août 2023, a adopté 5 décrets indispensables à l'opérationnalisation du Régime d'assurance maladie universelle.Ces décrets étaient attendus depuis la promulgation de la loi RAMU du 5 septembre 2015. Ils...
Guatemalan Health Code
The Political Constitution of the Republic recognizes that the enjoyment of health is a fundamental human right without discrimination of any kind, and obliges the State to ensure it. The Guatemalan Health Code defines the responsibility of citizens and obligations of...
Decree 11-2021 Emergency Law COVID-19 Guatemala
The emergency decree-law establishes the legal provisions for the acquisition in the national and international market of medicines, goods, supplies, services, medical and surgical material; works for the expansion and conditioning of public health services; the...
Decree 538: Mitigating COVID-19 and guaranteeing the provision of health services in Colombia
Health sector measures are adopted to contain and mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure the delivery of health services.
Resolution 2292 Health services and technologies financed with resources from the Capitation Payment Unit in Colombia.
The General Social Security Health System guarantees to all persons residing in Colombia, all health services and technologies for the promotion of health, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation of the disease, with the exception of those...
Côte d’Ivoire: Decree on the organization of the Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage
Cameroon: TORs for the TFP/Health consultation framework
Niger: Decree on National CSU Strategy
Please find attached the National Strategy for University Health Coverage in Niger (SNCSU 2021-2030).