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21st Steering Group Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 20 May 2022
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These are the minutes of the P4H-CT May 2022 face to face meeting that took place during three days in Geneva.
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Twentieth P4H Steering Group Meeting Minutes - October 2021; including corrections made in 2022 on TEG participation after discussion between P4H-CD & SG & TEG co-chairs and consultation of P4H members.
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Nineteen P4H Steering Group Meeting Minutes- July 2021
P4HC+Meeting Minutes 9 June 2021
The main objective of this meeting is to collect feedback from P4HC+ partners on the draft MoU on the coordination between the National Social Protection Council and Development partners, particularly on the Social Health Protection Pillar which will be led by P4HC+...
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Eighteen P4H Steering Group Meeting Minutes- October 2020.
Training on EPN Governance in the context of program budgeting in Côte D’Ivoire – 2019
HAITI – Minutes MSPP of the 3rd Health Sector Table 2017 of 22/11/2017
UHC Forum in WDC (with the support of the WB)
Participation of a Cameroonian delegation (MINSANTE/MINFI)
Launching workshop to design the HFS, organized by WB and WHO
Process supported by the WB in the framework of the GFF
Francophone course on UHC in Rabat, organized by WHO/WB/GIZ/AFD
Participation of a Cameroonian delegation (MINSANTE/MINFI)
Second meeting of the cluster HFS/UHC
Presentation of the process for the design of the Social Protection Policy by UNICEF and ILO. Point of situation by the MOH of the road map HFS for UHC.