Strategic Purchasing and Involvement of Private Sector in COVID-19
Health emergency decree COVID-19 Ivory Coast
Mission report to GL4CSU and GTR-1 Niger end 2019
Short mission report from module no. 2 of the Niger team's LpCSU program, covering the following points: 1 From the experience of societal dialogue in Tunisia 2. voyages of discovery 3 Collective action by the country team
Presentation Karl Lauterbach COVID-19 Health Financing Germany
GIZ presentation COVID-19 Health Financing Germany
Q & A Session China and South Korea COVID 19 Health Financing P4H Global Webinar April 2020
Prof. Yingyao Chen – China Presentation COVID-19 & Health Financing
Prof. Soonman Kwon – COVID-19 Lessons from South Korea
Scoping presentation for expert meeting n°2 Niger
Mr Bouchaib Morjane presents the basket, the rates and some of the lessons learned from the free service, as well as the conclusions of the first meeting of experts.
Expenditure forecast for 2021 Niger
Mr Oumar Ouattara proposes a number of hypotheses and an indicative figure for the cost of free access in 2021.
Analysis of free spending
Jean-François Caremel presents the free invoices, payments, problems... and makes recommendations.
Management of the free service and the opportunity to set up a Niger control unit
Ms. Zeinabou Seidou, DGB/MEF, explains some of the public finance management rules to be taken into account when redesigning Niger's gratuity scheme.
Free access and the Common Management Fund in Niger
Hamidou Amadou, explains what the FCS can do to help set up a free scheme.
Proposal for a free-of-charge management system in Niger
Mr Bouchaib Morjane proposes the creation of a technical unit to manage the free service.