List of P4H-TEG participants' list as per 04-04-2022
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List of P4H-TEG participants' list as per 04-04-2022
Country Briefs CIS webinar: Social Health Protection and Health Financing Reforms (March 2022)
CIS country summaries: social protection reforms in health care and health financing
Challenges Faced by the Iraqi Health Sector in Responding to COVID-19
Iraq’s health system has struggled to deal with the COVID-19 emergency since the first case appeared in the country in late February 2020. This report explores the inadequate financing to the health sector as well as a COVID 19 response plan among other challenges in...
Actuarial study of the proposed single national health insurance (SNHI) scheme in Tanzania: A summary brief
In 2017, Tanzania proposed the SNHI, building on the existing national health insurance fund’s (NHIF) administrative structures to manage contributions and enrol participants. As of October 2017, NHIF, which primarily provides health insurance for the formal sector,...
Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and the Abuja declaration: Honouring the pledge
The 2001 Abuja declaration is a pledge by the African Union member states to allocate at least 15% of their national budgets each year to improving their healthcare systems. However, for the countries in the SADC, fulfilling this pledge has been a challenge. Having...
Republic of the Gambia 2012-2020 national health policy-Health is wealth
The government of Gambia envisioned providing quality and affordable health services for all by 2020. This national health policy provided a clear direction to all relevant stakeholders in the health sector for implementation of interventions in the sector to improve...
Reforming the public service medical aid scheme (PSEMAS) in Namibia
The Government of Namibia provides a significant proportion of funding to subsidize the PSEMAS for public servants. As part of efforts to ensure value for money, the Government is pursuing reforms to the scheme. A technical committee was set up early in 2021 to...
Policy brief: The National Health Accounts in Bhutan (2018-2020)
National Health Accounts (NHA) provide the information about the flow of resources and funds of the country’s health system. NHA illustrates national health spending of the country from public and private sector, including household spending. Thus, NHA is useful for...
2. Turkish Health Transformation Program and beyond
This policy brief lays out Turkey’s significantly improved supply of health services under its Health Transformation Program (HTP) between 2003 and 2013. Improved health outcomes, increased health utilization and changes in health financing trends reflect the rise in...
Turkish Health Transformation Program and beyond
This policy brief lays out Turkey’s significantly improved supply of health services under its Health Transformation Program (HTP) between 2003 and 2013. Improved health outcomes, increased health utilization and changes in health financing trends reflect the rise in...
Progressive pathway to universal health coverage (UHC) in Tanzania: A call for preferential resource allocation targeting the poor
Many countries, Tanzania included, committed to the goal of achieving UHC. A key lesson from research evidence and country experience in implementation of pro-poor UHC is that public budget plays a crucial role in financing health care access for the poor. This paper...
Towards universal health coverage (UHC) in Kenya: are we on the right path?
The Kenyan government made a commitment to achieve UHC by the year 2022, embodied in the governments big 4 agenda that includes healthcare for all as one of the key development goals. Prioritizing UHC as a global and country health policy goal has highlighted the need...
Kenya health financing profile
This brief 2016 discusses Kenya’s the health financing profile, exploring the main health sector source of financing.. It also look at the health financing reforms that the country had undertaken with the goal of moving towards universal health coverage. The reforms...