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Background document for the Steering Group Meetings on 27 / 29 September and 1 October 2021.

South Sudan national health policy: 2016-2026
South Sudan

The constitution of the Republic of South Sudan recognizes health as a basic human right to be respected, promoted, and protected. The 2006-2011 national health policy provided guidance on how to implement the mandate of the constitution and work toward attaining...

Securing sustainable financing: A priority for health programs in Namibia

Namibia is a signatory to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 3 states  that member states must ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all, at all ages. One of the targets under this goal is to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC),...

Financing of the National Health System

The 2008 Constitution established free and universal public health services for all levels of care in Ecuador. The health system is financed with resources from the general state budget, workers' and employers' contributions to mandatory social security and to the...

Malawi Budget Brief 2020/2021: Living the promise to leave no one behind

This budget brief reviews the Malawi national budget 2020/21 and its relation to health.  Specifically, the brief analyzes the size and composition of the National Budget, with a special focus on allocations to key social sectors that benefit children. The brief also...