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249 results
The right choice: Achieving universal health coverage in Malawi

In Malawi primary healthcare services are provided for free at point of use in all government facilities and selected Christian Association of Malawi facilities through service level agreements). In practice, however, around 70% of the services provided at tertiary...

Essential Health Services Package of Ethiopia

The Essential Health Service Package, launched in November 2019, aims to provide access to quality health services without any financial challenges regardless of age, ability to pay and economic status, and geographic location for the population in Ethiopia.    

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In an excel file, the P4H network workplan re-structured based on P4H outputs. The P4H outputs have been broken down into distincts sub-output, and work streams have been attached to these. The SG priorities are highlighted and appear clearly in different workstreams....

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The document provides an overview of all P4H Country Focal Persons expected to be deployed by December 2021.

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The document provides an overview of all P4H Country Focal Persons, including its contracting and financing agencies.

P4H Political Economy Tool

The P4H Network has taken initiative to develop a Political Economy Tool (PET) aimed at supporting a structured political economy approach to understanding their country specific political situations and windows of opportunities for enhanced partnerships.The PET...

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Example of how to fill the proposed CFP reporting template on outcome and the HFPM questions

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Here is the proposed template including qualitative and quantitative output proposed.