The included data is based on: Massyn N, Barron P, Day C, Ndlovu N, Padarath A, editors. District Health Barometer 2018/19. Durban: Health Systems Trust; 2020.
Registration form for the 3rd training session on the ”ONEHEALTH” planning and budgeting tool
Registration form for the 3rd training session on the ''ONEHEALTH'' planning and budgeting tool. IDYNAM PLUS is pleased to offer you its 3rd training session of the year 2020 on the practical use of the planning and budgeting tool ''ONEHEALTH''. This training course...
Q & A – P4H COVID-19 Health Financing Webinar – China & South Korea
P4H Webinar on COVID-19 and Health Financing in South Korea and China Questions from the participants and answers from the presenters
Financing the healthcare system: the government commits to adopting a performance-based strategy (PBF) – Côte D’Ivoire – September 2014
PNCFS press review – Ivory Coast – 2019
Health Financing Week – PNCFS – Côte D’Ivoire – 2019
New CMU law 2014 Ivory Coast
Law instituting a system of compulsory health cover for all Ivorians, known as "CMU".
Press conference – Targeted free healthcare in Côte D’Ivoire – February 2012
Couverture Maladie Universelle procedures and pricing in Côte D’Ivoire – June 2019
Registration form 2nd practical training session on the planning and budgeting tool (ONEHEALTH) – Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Prospectus for OHT 2020 training session 2 in Burkina Faso
National Social Protection and Promotion Policy – Summary – Haiti – April 2020
Equipping the country with a National Policy for Social Protection and Promotion (PNPPS) is an important and necessary step towards achieving a lasting reduction in poverty, reducing inequalities and promoting the autonomy of Haitians. The National Social Protection...
Arrêté Politique Nationale de Protection et de Promotion Sociales (PNPPS) – Haiti – June 2020
5th P4H Webinar on COVID-19 – Summary in Russian
National contingency plan for preparedness and response to the coronavirus epidemic in Chad
Chad adopted its contingency plan for preparedness and response to the coronavirus disease epidemic (COVID-19) in March 2020. The aim of the plan is to prevent the introduction and transmission of the disease, to provide adequate care for sick people and thus reduce...