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Other Archives - Page 8 of 50 - P4H Network
249 results
Building capacities of Parlamentarians

CAPACITY-BUILDING MEETING FOR PARLIAMENTARIANS ON UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE 1st Presentation : Presentation of Universal Health Coverage 2nd Presentation: Summary of work on the CSU project 3rd Presentation: Presentation of the draft law on the CSU

UHC Bill

Setting up of the Teachnical Group to prepare the UHC Bill to be presented to Parlamentarians

Côte d’Ivoire 2020-2023 investment file
Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire's investment program has three main components: strategic bottleneck analysis to make the case for greater investment in primary healthcare; evidence-based, high-impact interventions to address priority health system issues; the amount of investment...

Summary of the investment file 2020-2023 Ivory Coast
Côte d’Ivoire

With politico-social stability restored since 2012, Côte d'Ivoire is enjoying sustained growth of around 8%, and GDP/capita of USD 1,553 (2016) makes it a middle-income country. However, around 46% of the Ivorian population lives below the national poverty line, and...