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Rapport Archives - P4H Network
39 results
Organizational and functional audit of the MSP of Niger

This document is the final report of the organizational and functional audit of the Ministry of Public Health in Niger. It identifies the priority areas for modernization and the major orientations for strengthening the Ministry of Health's capacities in the short,...

Health equity in Niger

The study analyzes several aspects of inequality in the healthcare system: health outcomes, healthcare service utilization, financial protection (FP) and benefit incidence analysis (BIA). It uses the EDS/ENAFEME surveys for health (2006, 2012, 2021), and ECVMA/EHCVM...

Analysis of care packages in CAR-2020
Central African Republic

The aim of this document is to analyze the care packages within the health district proposed in both national guidelines and current international trends, in order to propose interventions appropriate to the current situation in CAR, which will be the subject of the...

Evaluation of the BPF health project in CAR
Central African Republic

This report evaluates Cordaid's Performance-Based Financing (PBF) driven health project in Nana Mambéré prefecture, health region 2, during the political and humanitarian crisis from March 2013 until May 2014 to see if PBF was able to respond to the emergency...

National health accounts report from 2015 to 2018 in CAR
Central African Republic

Health accounts are a tool for systematically, consistently and exhaustively tracking the flow of resources in a country's healthcare system. In the CAR, they are drawn up on a regular basis and make it possible to assess the total amount allocated to healthcare...

Study report on the benefits of free healthcare in Niger

The aim of this study is to take stock of other free services in the healthcare system and of insurance mechanisms for patient care, and to analyze and make proposals for the implementation of a health risk coverage scheme. This document was prepared by Samia Laokri...

Review of strategic purchasing mechanisms in Senegal

In order to better coordinate its efforts towards UHC, Senegal has developed a health financing strategy, which focuses on strategic choices to improve health protection and the sustainability of financing.

Capitalizing on the development of the SNFS in Senegal

The process of developing the National Health Financing Strategy to move towards Universal Health Coverage launched in April 2016 was finalized and validated in June 2017. This document sheds light on the approach and methodology used to capitalize on the SNFS-CSU...