WHO Regional Office for Europe in collaboration with WHO Country Office in Kyrgyzstan and WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Financing published a report titled “Health financing in Kyrgyzstan: obstacles and opportunities in the response to COVID-19” (2021)....
Unleashing the Potential of Strategic Purchasing
Strategic purchasing of health services and infrastructure can prove to be very valuable in achieving UHC in Low and Middle Income countries (LMICs) that have to optimize limited resources to provide adequate healthcare to its citizens. The brief explains this by...
Fiscal Space and Financing for National Health Insurance in Botswana
A challenge to National Health Insurance in middle income countries like Botswana is financing the benefit package without increasing the formal sector’s taxation burden. This technical brief aims to add to policy dialogue discussing National Health Insurance...
Developing and Implementing Health Financing Strategies
Low- and middle-income countries are developing health financing strategies to map out how they will pay for universal health coverage. This brief discusses three activities that are valuable for producing sound strategies: convening multi-sectoral committees to...
Communication and Advocacy in Action: Building Momentum for Universal Health Coverage
Despite strong global commitment to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), inconsistent understanding and communication about UHC hinders progress. Experience suggests that advocating for and communicating about UHC requires deliberate, tailored, context-specific...
Restricted content
The P4H Network Steering Group held a two and a half hour extraordinary meeting virtually through the Zoom platform on 7th July 2021. The primary aim of this meeting was to reach agreement on a new P4H constituency-based governance model. The P4H Coordination Desk...
Restricted content
The P4H Network Steering Group (SG) held its annual meeting for 2020 in a virtual setting, divided into three sessions, October 5, 7, and 9, 2020. The meeting was prepared with the external facilitator and the coordination desk jointly and Steering Group members were...
Namibia’s 2014/15 national health accounts report
Namibia has made a commitment to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), which requires the provision of quality health services to the population at an affordable cost. Health financing is a key element to consider in the move towards UHC, and health accounts...
Introduction to health insurance policy options in Botswana: Improving efficiency and sustainability through health insurance
The purpose of this report was to explore how insurance reforms could improve the efficiency and sustainability of the Botswana health system, and to offer specific policy recommendations to guide the development of a national health insurance reform proposal. The...
Review of health financing in Namibia
Key factors to consider in the development of approaches to UHC include expanding coverage of the population in terms of access to and quality of health service; equitable distribution of services; the types of services to be provided in the benefits package1; and the...
Niger: Analysis report on INAM’s Management Information System (MIS)
In collaboration with other technical and financial partners in the health sector, Niger's Ministry of Health led the way in setting up the Institut National d'Assistance Médicale (INAM). This document is the latest report (July 2021) available for download on the...
Sudan: Moving towards universal health coverage (UHC)
This brief discusses Sudan’s existing national plans and policies to achieve UHC. Among the national plans include the health financing reforms which led to the expansion of the Sudanese National Health Insurance (NHI) from civil servants and formal sector employees...
Ethiopia Public Expenditure Review
Ethiopia’s remarkable socio-economic transformation over the last decade has been marked by: a reorientation of expenditure from recurrent to capital; a significant devolution of resources from Federal Government to Regions; and a clear prioritization of...
Fiscal space for health in Malawi and revenue potential of innovative financing
Malawi has considered significant health financing and organizational reforms since 2013 to increase access to quality health services through increased domestic financing to the health sector. The health reform process consists of four areas, namely: (1) Establishing...
Financing Ethiopia’s Primary Care to 2035: A Model Projecting Resource Mobilization and Costs
This paper presents the results of modeling to project Ethiopia’s future resources to finance primary health care and compare them with the likely costs of providing primary care according to current government plans. The paper explores different scenarios related to...