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418 results
Review of health financing in Namibia

Key factors to consider in the development of approaches to UHC include expanding coverage of the population in terms of access to and quality of health service; equitable distribution of services; the types of services to be provided in the benefits package1; and the...

Niger: Analysis report on INAM’s Management Information System (MIS)

In collaboration with other technical and financial partners in the health sector, Niger's Ministry of Health led the way in setting up the Institut National d'Assistance Médicale (INAM). This document is the latest report (July 2021) available for download on the...

Sudan: Moving towards universal health coverage (UHC)

This brief discusses Sudan’s existing national plans and policies to achieve UHC. Among the national plans include the health financing reforms which led to the expansion of the Sudanese National Health Insurance (NHI) from civil servants and formal sector employees...

Ethiopia Public Expenditure Review

Ethiopia’s remarkable socio-economic transformation over the last decade has been marked by: a reorientation of expenditure from recurrent to capital; a significant devolution of resources from Federal Government to Regions; and a clear prioritization of...

Public-Private Partnerships for Health in Vietnam : Issues and Options

“This book describes the nature of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the health sector in Vietnam. It defines health-related PPPs, describes their key characteristics, and develops a taxonomy of the different types of PPPs that exist in practice, illustrated by...

UN Socio-economic Assessment of COVID-19 in Ethiopia

The COVID-19 pandemic poses clear threats to Ethiopia’s reforms and relatively strong economic growth, with “wide-ranging and serious” according to a UN report.  The report assesses the devastating social and economic dimensions of the COVID-19 crisis and sets out the...

Cost of Implementing Minimum Service Standards for Health in Indonesia

Indonesia has increased health insurance coverage to 83 % of the total population. Due to the rise of noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevalence, public health spending may need to shift the focus to primary health care. Indonesia has released several iterations of its...

Prioritizing Essential Packages of Health Services in six countries in SSA

This document presents case studies from six African countries (Eswatini, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa) and: • reviews the process by which prioritized SRHR interventions were included in countries’ health benefits packages; • discusses...

Review of health financing, expenditure and service delivery in Zambia

Ensuring adequate access to quality health services, whether preventative or curative,  is critical for a country to ensure that its population attain better health outcomes. In this context, universal health coverage (UHC), embedded within sustainable development...