For children under 5, PECIME basket on the entire pyramid 3 appeals per year on average for children under 5 years of age 15 billion spent on children under 5 in 2017, 16 billion in 2018. Cost of Caesarean section: 2.2 billion in 2018 And even more so in the report...
CR of the meeting of experts on gratuity in Niger -/10/2019
Participants, findings, recommendations and next steps for overhauling the free program in Niger.
GTR meeting of August 06, 2019 Niger
Amendment to the minutes of the previous meeting Reading and amending sub-group work Amendment of the GTR's draft IR
L4UHC Equipe Cameroun: Module I mission report
Mission report from the L4UHC Cameroon team as part of their participation in Module I of the Leadership Programme in Rabat from July 8 to 12, 2019.
Evaluation of the I3S free-of-charge project
In May 2013, France launched the Initiative Solidarité Santé Sahel1 (I3S) aimed at facilitating financial access to healthcare for children in Sahelian countries by supporting politically committed countries in setting up solidarity-based healthcare access systems. Of...
Free-of-charge mechanisms in Niger
This report gives an account of free healthcare in Niger (or exemption from payment for healthcare services). It does not go into detail about free travel for pregnant women and children under 5, which is the subject of another report, but describes all the other free...
Study on free healthcare for children under 5 and pregnant women in Niger
Niger's Ministry of Health has commissioned a WHO study "to determine the benefits of free health care and other insurance mechanisms with a view to setting up Universal Health Coverage in Niger". The ToR for the study stipulates that it will be carried out by a...
Maldives National Health Accounts 2015-2017
This round of NHA examined several aspects of health expenditure distributed by disease conditions, age and gender as Maldives is currently experiencing rapid epidemiological transition, non-communicable disease conditions remain a challenge, compounded by several...
Study on the transfer of the free-of-charge mechanism to the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie in Burkina Faso
Within this framework, a transfer document has been drawn up and is structured around the following main points: (i) organization and operation of free-of-charge measures, (ii) identification of the functions and resources of free health care measures ; (iii)...
Atelier de réflexion sur les modalités d’implémentation de la décision ministérielle relative à la gratuité des soins sur le VIH/SIDA
Synthèse du rapport d’atelier de réflexion sur les modalités d’implémentation de la décision ministérielle relative à la gratuité des soins sur le VIH/SIDA, Douala 6-7 juin 2019
Three-year action plan 2019-2022 health sector Burkina Faso
In July 2016, Burkina Faso adopted the National Economic and Social Development Plan (PNDES) 2016-2020. In order to operationalize this reference framework, fourteen (14) planning sectors have been defined to be endowed with sectoral policies. These sectoral policies...
WISN Burkina Faso study report
To move towards CSU, the Ministry of Health has adopted the WISN (workload indicators staffing needed) approach, whose workload assessment study report was adopted in June 2019. The next step will be to define new human resources standards.
Progress report towards CSU 2018 Burkina Faso
2nd Burkina Faso report on indicators for monitoring progress towards the CSU adopted on July 29, 2019 at the sectoral framework for health dialogue
IMF Press Release No. 19/292 on Burkina Faso
The three-year ECF agreement for Burkina Faso was approved on May 14, 2018 (see press release no. 18/86) for an amount equivalent to SDR 108.36 million (around $149.9 million, or 90% of the country's quota at the time the agreement was approved). One of the main...