Ensuring universal health coverage (UHC) is a priority under Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3). To address the intersection between poverty and health and remove cost barriers, the government of Ghana established the national health insurance scheme (NHIS). To...
Examining healthcare purchasing arrangements for strategic purchasing in Nigeria: a case study of the Imo state healthcare system
Purchasing is a critical function of health financing which links resources mobilized in the health sector to effective delivery of quality healthcare services. Strategic purchasing therefore can help a country improve financial risk protection for the vulnerable...
Cameroon: Concept note on free malaria care
Fighting maternal and infant mortality through effective and sustainable free malaria care: Concept note for Swiss TPH's proposed pilot project.
Assessment Awareness Levels and Access to Information on Social Protection Schemes among Cambodian Citizens
"The objective of this study was to conduct a research on how citizens of Cambodia receive and access information on available governmental social protection programs"
Strengths and weaknesses of strategic health purchasing for Universal Health Coverage in Rwanda
Rwanda in part attributes its progress toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) to the implementation of Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI). Some evidence shows that in Rwanda, CBHI has led to increases in health service utilization and better financial protection...
Strategic Health Purchasing in Nigeria: Investigating Governance and Institutional Capacities within Federal Tax-Funded Health Schemes and the Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme
Strategic purchasing has the potential of increasing equity in access to quality services and ensuring financial protection through deliberate effort to purchase services with the best value for money. This study examines the purchasing arrangements in schemes funded...
Strategic health purchasing progress mapping: a spotlight on Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme
Since the introduction of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in 2003, the enrolment rate has increased to 40% of the population and has significantly contributed to increased health service utilization and decreasing out-of-pocket payments and catastrophic...
Universal health insurance in Africa: a narrative review of the literature on institutional models
Equitable health financing where costs are shared within a population based on everyone’s contributory capacity is critical for Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Several African countries have introduced Universal Health Insurance (UHI) programmes with the aim of...
Strategies for financing social health insurance schemes for providing universal health care: a comparative analysis of five African countries (Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Tanzania)
Social health insurance is increasingly being considered as a mechanism for providing financial protection and moving towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). In recent years there has been a political will and interest to explore the implementation of National Health...
Governance factors that affect the implementation of health financing reforms in Tanzania: an exploratory study of stakeholders’ perspectives
Tanzania has been reforming health financing policies to expand health insurance coverage and achieve better access to quality healthcare for all. Recent reforms have included improved community health funds (iCHFs). Other reforms that are underway include the...
Examining the level and inequality in health insurance coverage in 36 sub- Saharan African countries
Many low/middle-income countries (LMICs) are increasingly prioritising UHC and reforming their health systems to accelerate progress to achieve this target. To reduce the financial burden of care and improve financial risk protection, many of these countries are...
Integrating refugees into national health systems amid political and economic constraints in the Eastern Mediterranean: Approaches from Lebanon and Jordan
This paper explores the political economy of Lebanon and Jordan for providing social health protection to the large number of refugees that both countries host. In Lebanon, the ability of the existing health system to provide universal health coverage, even for its...
Toward Universal Coverage : Turkey’s Green Card Program for the Poor
This case study unravels Turkey's path to universal coverage. It outlines both the transformation of the health system and the performance of the 'Yesil Kart', the Green Card, program, a non-contributory health insurance scheme for the poor. As this study will show,...
Toward Universal Coverage : Turkey’s Green Card Program for the Poor
This case study unravels Turkey's path to universal coverage. It outlines both the transformation of the health system and the performance of the 'Yesil Kart', the Green Card, program, a non-contributory health insurance scheme for the poor. As this study will show,...
Health financing policy reforms for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA)- Health Community Region
This research paper discusses the evolution of health financing reforms in the selected regions of Africa. From the provision of free primary health care to introduction of user fees at the point of use in response to low economic growth, large informal sector,...