The Lebanese Health Economic Evaluation Guideline (LEEG) development followed WHO guidelines, involving expert groups, evidence retrieval, surveys, workshops, and international consultation. The transparent process ensures relevance for national healthcare...
Healthcare challenges in ageing populations: Catastrophic health expenditure and unmet needs
Health Economics Review (Biomedcentral) study, 'Universal health coverage in the context of population ageing: catastrophic health expenditure and unmet need for healthcare' reveals disparities in catastrophic health expenditure and unmet needs, highlighting the...
National Health Service Delivery Survey RCA-2019
The first of its kind in the Central African Republic, this report presents reliable information on the availability of health services, the general operational capacity of services, the availability and operational capacity of specific health services, comprehensive...
Contracting the private health sector in Thailand’s Universal Health Coverage
Despite the publicly dominated health service delivery in Thailand, private providers significantly contribute to healthcare access in Bangkok. This study focuses on assessing the current state of contracting private health facilities by two key purchasing agencies:...
Effects of performance-based capitation payment on the use of public primary health care services in Indonesia
In 2016, BPJS Kesehatan has introduced Kapitasi Berbasis Komitmen (KBK) scheme for Puskesmas (community health centres) to encourage primary health care utilization. This study aimed to evaluate its effects based on claims data. BPJS Kesehatan is one of the largest...
Public Financial Management’s Impact on Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Quantitative Review
This paper, published in the Health Systems and Reform Journal, explores the correlation between Public Financial Management (PFM) quality and health outcomes in sub-Saharan African countries from 2005 to 2018. Public financial management (PFM) theory suggests that...
Scoping review on classification and focus comparison of health financing frameworks
This study reviews 21 health financing frameworks, classifying them into groups, highlighting their diverse perspectives, and emphasizing their adaptability for policymakers based on local contexts and challenges.The purpose of this study is to review the current...
Classification and focus comparison of health financing frameworks: A scoping review
Published in the International Journal of Health Policy and Management, this scoping review explores diverse frameworks for evaluating health financing systems. This scoping review explores the landscape of health financing frameworks, aiming to understand their...
Challenges in international health financing and implications for the new pandemic fund
Study published in Biomed Central identifies challenges related to international financing instruments and development aid for health within the existing literature on global health governance and financing and makes recommendations for how the Pandemic Fund and the...
The application of artificial intelligence in health financing: a scoping review
Scoping review explores AI applications in health financing and future potentials. AI enhances performance in governance, revenue raising, pooling, and strategic purchasing, guiding future policy and capacity development.Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a...
Understanding international measures of health spending
Age-adjusting expenditure on health A part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Health Working Papers series, this paper assesses health system performance over time or across countries often means comparing populations with age...
What drives health care spending in Switzerland?
Findings from a decomposition by disease, health service, sex, and age BMC Health Services Research study decomposes healthcare spending by diseases and other perspectives and estimates the contribution of single cost drivers to overall healthcare spending growth in...
The economic impact of obesity in Kuwait
This study provides an assessment of the cost burden of obesity-related comorbidities (ORC) in Kuwait. The study confirms that ORCs generate a significant financial burden to the public payer. The study provides an economic case for policymakers to recognize the...
Is contributory health insurance indeed an addiction to a bad idea? A comment on its relevance for low- and middle-income countries
Abstract Financing of health systems is an enduring concern world wide. Yazbeck and colleagues in their paper make an important point that when there is a choice between financing in which contributions from citizens take place in the form of generalised taxes versus...
Chatham House: Public international financing for global health priorities
Abstract The overall environment for raising public international finance for global health priorities is getting tougher, with some widely supported activities such as pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response proving much harder to fund than might be expected...