The Rwanda fourth health sector strategic plan (HSSP IV) is the guiding document outlining national strategic directions to improve health standards of Rwandans between 2018-2024. Its content reflects a comprehensive analysis of the Rwanda’s health sector progress and...
National Social Health Insurance Strategy
Social health insurance is a health financing mechanism that pools the risk of its members, and their financial contributions. The major contributors are the households, enterprises and government. These contributions serve to pay for health services, thereby giving...
Nigeria’s national health insurance scheme (NHIS) strategic plan: 2020-2030
Considerable efforts aimed at strengthening the health system to ensure delivery of effective, affordable and efficient services at all levels without financial hardship and achieve better health outcomes have been implemented over the years. To advance this goal, the...
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Background document for the Steering Group Meetings on 27 / 29 September and 1 October 2021.
Health promotion strategy in all policies in Burundi
National Social Protection Policy in Burundi
Kiribati: National Health Strategic Plan 2020 – 2023
The National Health Strategic Plan (NHSP) for Kiribati outlines a vision of "A Healthy Population Supported by Accessible, Equitable, and Quality Health Care Services." It prioritizes non-communicable diseases, maternal and child health, and health system...
Swaziland second national health sector strategic plan (NHSSP II) 2014- 2018: Towards attainment of universal health coverage (UHC)
The Swaziland’s NHSSP II represents the medium-term strategic focus for the health sector to support attainment of the national development agenda. It is designed around the need to attain UHC with health and related services as defined in the country’s essential...
National Strategic Framework For Development of Health Services 2016 – 2025
Sri Lanka's National Strategic Framework for Development of Health Services 2016-2025 aims to enhance the health system's efficiency, equity, and sustainability. It focuses on improving healthcare quality, expanding access to essential services, and addressing...
The 2016-2020 national health strategy for Zimbabwe
The government of Zimbabwe’s vision is to have the highest possible level of health and quality of life for all Zimbabweans. The National Health Strategy 2016-20 supports this national vision and provides a framework for attaining health and health related goals and...
Zimbabwe 2017 health financing strategy
The 2017 Zimbabwe national health financing strategy outlines specific reform initiatives around financing arrangements in the health sector that are necessary for achieving goals and objectives that have been set for the health system. In this document, goals and...
The second Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP-II)
This is the second Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP-II) covering the period between Ethiopian fiscal years 2013 and 2017 (July 2020–June 2025). HSTP-II was developed as the first part of a 10-year health sector plan. It was prepared based on an in-depth...
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The workplan includes P4H activities and outputs such as SG priorities for 2020-2021
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SENEGAL: A plan to introduce the Covid19 vaccine
One year after the 1st case of covid19 was recorded on its territory, Senegal has drawn up a plan to introduce a vaccine against the coronavirus disease.