La première phase de cette stratégie nationale de vaccination va intéresser les personnes vulnérables à la maladie à coronavirus âgées de plus de 60 ans.
National Health Policy – Ensuring Healthy lives for all – Ghana – January 2020
Health Sector Medium Term Development Plan – Ghana – 2020
India National Health Policy 2017
"The National Health Policy of 1983 and the National Health Policy of 2002 have served well in guiding the approach for the health sector in the Five-Year Plans. Now 14 years after the last health policy, the context has changed in four major ways. First, the health...
Draft Lao PDR Health Financing Strategy 2021 – 2025
Draft Lao PDR Health Financing Strategy 2021 - 2025 based on the samthid direction. This health financing strategy was drafted by the Department of Finance, Ministry of Health with support by the World Health Organization.
Strategic guidance document on Health Sector Financing 2020-2030 in Mozambique
UHC Road Map
Note de réflexion des PTF sur le processus CSU au Cameroun, en réponse à la sollicitation d’appui du MINSANTE.
Concept note drawn up jointly by the Technical and Financial Partners members of the sub-group on CSU in Cameroon: Agence Française de Développement (AFD), French Embassy, World Bank (WB), Centre International de Développement et de la Recherche (CIDR), Deutsche...
Towards adoption of the SNFS-Togo
This strategy follows the adoption of a new National Health Development Plan covering the period 2017-2022, which aims to consolidate the achievements of the previous plan's implementation and also take into account international guidelines, notably the ODD3. The aim...
National Health and Social Welfare Financing Policy and Plan 2011-2021 Liberia
The overarching goal of this financing policy is to ensure that the health and social welfare services provided to the people of Liberia are affordable to the country while preventing catastrophic household expenditures. Sustained leadership, stakeholder commitment,...
National Strategy for Health Financing in Côte d’Ivoire
The national health financing strategy to move towards universal coverage is structured around the following chapters: - General context of Côte d'Ivoire, - Situation of the Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, - Rationale for the national strategy, - Definition of the...
National Social Protection Strategy in Côte d’Ivoire
The aim of this strategy is to gradually build a more comprehensive and effective system of social protection, while prioritizing measures and programs that reduce the vulnerability of the poorest and highest-risk groups. It thus provides a framework for public...
Burkina Faso’s National Health Financing Strategy
The strategy (2018-2030) has four strategic thrusts which are: increasing the mobilization of financial resources, strengthening the pooling of resources, developing strategic purchasing mechanisms for benefits and services and finally strengthening governance in...
Burkina Faso SNFS Operational Action Plans
The operational schedule has been drawn up for 03 years, covering the period 2018 to 2020. For each measure selected, it describes the priority activities to be carried out in order to achieve the expected results. A total of 109 activities have been selected for the...