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2018 Kenian UHC Monitoring Framework - P4H Network

2018 Kenian UHC Monitoring Framework

“The Kenya UHC Road Map 2018-22 elaborates the investments needed to strengthen the health system and scale up coverage of interventions leading to the achievement of UHC goals. In line with this, an M&E plan has been developed to track sector performance as well as serve as an accountability framework for stakeholders in the health sector working to achieve UHC goals. The framework articulates a strong and harmonized monitoring and evaluation of critical UHC domains, as well as health system actions. It serves as a mechanism for County, national and global reporting; aligning partners at country and global levels around a common approach to country support and reporting requirements.The M&E plan also provides an investment framework for strengthening M&E functions and processes by all health sector stakeholders at national and county level.”

Published on 06 Aug 2018