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African Insights: Recommendations for Global Pandemic Governance and Funding 2023 - P4H Network

African Insights: Recommendations for Global Pandemic Governance and Funding 2023

The AHF Global Public Health Institute has formulated a set of recommendations drawing on insights from a series of discussions with African public health thought leaders and experts addressing key aspects of global health, underscoring the need for practical, inclusive, and sustainable strategies to reshape global health policy and governance.


The AHF Global Public Health Institute, in partnership with the University of Miami Public Health Policy Lab and the AHF Africa Bureau, convened African public health thought leaders and experts for a series of discussions that took place on September 11 and 12, 2023. These sessions aimed to gather diverse viewpoints on significant global health issues, chief among them — issues related to the WHO Pandemic Agreement, the Pandemic Fund, and regional concerns related to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

Drawing on insights from these discussions, and in collaboration with consultation participants, the AHF Global Public Health Institute formulated this set of recommendations. These address key aspects of global health, underscoring the need for practical, inclusive, and sustainable strategies to reshape global health policy and governance.

These have been advanced to enrich discussions and shape dialogues in the lead-up to critical negotiations at the WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, within the Pandemic Fund, and at various regional fora.

Published on 08 Jan 2024