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Aid and health system strengthening for Small Island Developing States - P4H Network

Aid and health system strengthening for Small Island Developing States

A new study in Health Policy and Planning argues that a “one-size-fits-all” approach to strengthening healthcare systems fails Small Island Developing States.

Small island developing states (SIDS) face unique challenges due to their small size and remote locations. These challenges include limited economies of scale, scarce human resources, and vulnerability to natural disasters.

The authors propose several solutions for the global health community to better support SIDS. These include:

  • Creating dedicated platforms for sharing knowledge and best practices among SIDS and health experts.
  • Adapting health aid programs to consider the specific circumstances of SIDS, such as using a vulnerability index instead of GDP/capita for allocating aid.
  • Streamlining the application process for health aid to reduce the burden on small health ministries.
  • Developing guidelines and training materials that take into account the limitations of SIDS.
  • Identifying interventions that are most effective for SIDS, such as investments in disaster preparedness and telemedicine.
  • Supporting research on health system strengthening in SIDS and promoting knowledge sharing between SIDS and the wider global health community.

By implementing these solutions, the global health community can help SIDS build stronger health systems that meet the needs of their populations.

Bruno Meessen, Anne Ancia, Danny Gill, Althea LaFoucade, Stanley Lalta, Guillermo Sandoval, Gade Waqa, When one size does not fit all: aid and health system strengthening for Small Island Developing States , Oxford University Press: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
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