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Cambodia: National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025 - P4H Network

Cambodia: National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025

This document elaborates Cambodia‘s National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025 and the Royal Government of Cambodia’s strategic plans to ensure income security for all citizens, promote their welfare, strengthen social solidarity and maximize poverty alleviation impacts.

The strategic goals and plans are based on the following key principles:

  1. Reforming the governance structure of the whole social protection system by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders at policy level, regulatory level and operational level;
  2. Enhancing the effectiveness of public expenditure by reforming the management of operating agencies and defining the contribution mechanisms to support the priority policies based on the level of each citizen’s income and the availability of state budget;
  3. Maximizing the coverage to encourage every citizen to access protection based on the type of each program or scheme, given the phase of country’s development;
  4. Reviewing cross cutting issues in order to move the social protection development plan forward and to remove barriers which might result from the lack of progress or stagnation of developments in other relevant sectors.

The National Social Protection Policy Framework focuses on two main pillars:

  1. The social assistance consists of four components: (1) emergency response, (2) human capital development, (3) vocational training, and (4) welfare for vulnerable people.
  2. The social security consists of five components: (1) pensions, (2) health insurance, (3) employment injury insurance, (4) unemployment insurance, and (5) disability insurance.
The Royal Government of Cambodia, National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025, The Royal Government of Cambodia