The implementation of Universal Health Coverage (CMU) in Côte d’Ivoire means that social mutuals have to adapt to this new national policy for financing healthcare.
The competence of mutuals’ managers is an important issue, given their responsibility for ensuring the dynamic operation of mutuals. The Programme d’appui aux stratégies sociales (PASS) (Social Strategies Support Program), concerned about the willingness of social mutuals to provide quality services to the population, is organizing a capacity-building workshop for mutualist leaders.
This workshop will look at the Universal Health Coverage policy and how it relates to mutual insurance schemes. This training will enable mutualist leaders to understand the Universal Health Coverage policy and to better grasp the role of mutuals in the process of extending Universal Health Coverage in Côte d’Ivoire. In addition, they will understand the consequences of this policy on the mutualist model, before proposing possible solutions for successfully linking complementary mutual insurance schemes and Universal Health Coverage.