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Decree creating the National Health Safety Agency - P4H Network

Decree creating the National Health Safety Agency

This decree establishes the National Health Security Agency (ANSS) in the Republic of Guinea, and defines its remit, organization and operation. The mission of the ANSS is to implement the strategic orientations of the Ministry of Health in terms of Health Security.

In this capacity, she is particularly responsible for :

  • implement the Ministry of Health’s operational guidelines on health safety, more specifically an emergency response plan;
  • help build staff capacity for monitoring and management;
  • ensure that observation/quarantine areas are laid out in accordance with the specific measures required;
  • ensure the development of a national health risk monitoring system;
  • help set up a national system for monitoring and responding to epidemics, emergencies and disasters; help map health risks across the country;
  • promote the development of appropriate early warning systems;
  • take part in the public response to any threat to human, animal and environmental safety;
  • and ensure compliance with the International Health Regulations.
General Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of Guinea, Decree D/2016/205/PRG/SGG of July 04, 2016, establishing, attributions, organization and operation of the national health security agency., 04 Jul 2016