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Development strategy of the Social Health Insurance Fund of Kazakhstan for 2020 – 2025 - P4H Network

Development strategy of the Social Health Insurance Fund of Kazakhstan for 2020 – 2025

Development strategy of Non-commercial Joint Stock Company “Social Health Insurance Fund” of Kazakhstan for 2020 – 2025 is available at Social Health Insurance Fund website. The attached document reflects the latest revisions accepted by the decision of the Board of Directors on December 1, 2023.

The strategy of the Fund reflects the national health policy plans during 2020-2025 and is a key document in social health insurance during 2020-2025, since the Social Health Insurance Fund is the single payer and purchasers of health services in Kazakhstan. The mandatory social health insurance reform is effective nationwide in Kazakhstan since its launch on January 1, 2020. As part of the corporate governance principles implemented across Kazakhtan, a company’s strategic plan is published on its website for transparency and accountability.

The language of the document is Russian. The content of the document covers the following:



  1. Analysis of the external environment
  2. Review of international experience of the health insurance system
  3. Analysis of the internal environment
  • MHIF assets, sources of system financing
  • Own funds
  • Purchasing and payment for medical care services
  • Planning the scope of medical services
  • Tariff setting for medical services 
  • Monitoring the quality of medical services
  • Organization of treatment of patients abroad
  • Outreach and Feedback
  • Digitalization of processes and IT infrastructure
  • Corporate governance system, personnel management 
  • Risk management system


  2. Increasing user participation in the mandatory health insurance system
  3. Increasing access to medical services
  4. Improving planning of volumes of medical services and tariff policy
  5. Improving the mechanisms for purchasing and paying for medical services
  6. Implementation of mechanisms for proactive monitoring of the quality of medical care
  7. Improving feedback from patients
  8. Development of corporate governance, ensuring security and orderliness processes
  9. Development of human capital

V. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (strategic indicators)

Other single payers may find it useful to look at similar organization’s plans like this one.

Social Health Insurance Fund, Development strategy, 2020 - 2025