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Draft 2 of Niger's CSU 2021-2030 strategy - P4H Network

Draft 2 of Niger’s CSU 2021-2030 strategy

In the Acte II Renaissance Program, the President of the Republic of Niger pledged to meet the challenges of significantly improving the population’s state of health. Universal Health Coverage was recently the subject of a resolution at the United Nations. This resolution recognizes that CSU is the term encompassing the achievement of healthy living and well-being for all at all ages. This national CSU strategy (2021-2030) aims to mobilize the whole country in achieving Goal 3 of the SDGs, namely “Enable all people to live in good health and promote well-being for all at all ages”. The expected results of the strategy are that :

Niger’s population as a whole is healthier, not least because the individual and collective determinants of health – behavioral, environmental and metabolic – are better taken into account;

Niger’s entire population has access to a range of quality health services that guarantee adequate care, within the framework of an efficient and resilient health system;

Niger’s entire population uses health services without financial difficulty, thanks to an efficient health financing system and financial protection against the risk of illness based on universal health insurance.

The strategy proposes 10 lines of action and focuses on four fundamental assumptions:
Strategic focus no. 1: improving the nutritional status of the population
Strategic focus no. 2: Improving access to drinking water, hygiene and sanitation
Strategic priority 3: Improving pollution control
Strategic focus 4: Improving governance and leadership in the healthcare sector
Strategic priority 5: Improving access to healthcare and healthcare services
Strategic priority 6: Improving the delivery of health care and services
Strategic priority 7: Optimal operation of the payment exemption policy for children under 5 and pregnant women.
Strategic priority 8: Gradual implementation of universal health insurance
Strategic priority no. 9: define a care package tailored to national needs and resources
Strategic priority 10: Increased and optimal integration of funding and other partner interventions into national circuits

Hypothesis n°1: more health is achieved with the money available, and more national public resources are made available for health.
Hypothesis 2: National dialogue in all its dimensions is improved, including political, social and societal dialogue, and gender mainstreaming.
Hypothesis 3: Since the CSU’s challenges are profoundly adaptive, every effort is made to improve whose leadership?
Assumption 4: Favorable demographic and educational/cultural trends in society

The strategy will be implemented by the various sectors concerned, but monitoring and evaluation will be carried out at cross-sectoral level, with the government taking the lead.

11 Oct 2019