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Evaluation of the BPF health project in CAR - P4H Network

Evaluation of the BPF health project in CAR

This report evaluates Cordaid’s Performance-Based Financing (PBF) driven health project in Nana Mambéré prefecture, health region 2, during the political and humanitarian crisis from March 2013 until May 2014 to see if PBF was able to respond to the emergency situation.

This report evaluates Cordaid’s Performance-Based Financing (PBF) driven health project in Nana Mambéré prefecture, health region 2, during the political and humanitarian crisis from March 2013 until May 2014 to see if PBF was able to respond to the emergency situation. We chose the prefecture of Ombella Mpoko, in health region 1, as a control prefecture where a FBP project ran for three years from 2010 to 2012. The evaluation also attempts to compare the PBF approach with the emergency approach of other humanitarian NGOs. The team visited 30 health facilities in the two prefectures, interviewing managers on the basis of a questionnaire and using the standard quality control checklist used in the BPF.

Dr Jean Pierre BANGA-MINGO




Julie LOVE

07 Feb 2024