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Feasibility study for the implementation of a social protection scheme for farmers and the informal sector - P4H Network

Feasibility study for the implementation of a social protection scheme for farmers and the informal sector

One of the major provisions of the Loi d’Orientation Agricole (LOA) is the introduction of specific social protection for the agricultural sector.

By including this provision in the LOA, the legislator is correcting a social injustice affecting the agricultural sector, which accounts for over 75% of Mali’s working population.
The action plan for the implementation of the LOA, adopted by the second session of the Higher Council of Agriculture on May 10, 2008, designates the Ministry in charge of Solidarity as the lead ministry for the operationalization of the provisions of article 26 of the LOA. It is within this framework that the present study has been initiated by the National Directorate of Social Protection and Solidarity Economy (DNPSES), to produce the material necessary for the construction of a social protection scheme specific to the rural world and the informal sector.

Direction Nationale de la Protection Sociale et de l'Économie Solidaire (National Department for Social Protection and the Solidarity Economy) , Feasibility study for the implementation of a social protection scheme for farmers and the informal sector