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Health Care Financing Strategy of the Philippines 2023-2028 Towards Universal Health Care - P4H Network

Health Care Financing Strategy of the Philippines 2023-2028 Towards Universal Health Care

The Health Care Financing Strategy of the Philippines 2023-2028 Towards Universal Health Care (UHC) is a medium-term financing roadmap of the country designed to support the implementation of the reforms in UHC Act. Its primary goal is to reduce household out-of-pocket payment and provide financial risk protection for all Filipinos. 

This health care financing strategy responses to challenges in Philippines’ health care financing with 4 key strategies:

  • Strategy 1: Increase public funding for health
  • Strategy 2: Strengthen financing of primary care
  • Strategy 3: Ensure equitable financing for health services and affordable medicine
  • Strategy 4: Promote transparency, accountability, and good governance in health

In addition, the implementation and monitoring plan as well as indicators of each strategy are addressed in the document.

Department of Health, Health Care Financing Strategy of the Philippines 2023-2028 Towards Universal Health Care, Department of Health