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Health investments key to Kenya's economic growth, new study reveals - P4H Network

Health investments key to Kenya’s economic growth, new study reveals

The study emphasizes the macroeconomic importance of health, advocating for increased investment in healthcare as a crucial strategy for economic growth. Healthier populations contribute to a stronger economy and greater productivity, making healthcare investment a strategic priority for Kenya’s prosperous future.
Key Findings:

  • Inflation and Health Budget: in 2023, Kenya experienced an inflation rate exceeding 7.5%, influenced by supply chain disruptions and high fuel prices. Despite these economic pressures, health expenditure remains insufficient. The health sector’s budget for 2022/23 was Kshs 122.5 billion, placing it fourth among budgeted sectors and falling short of the 15% target set by the Abuja Declaration.
  • Primary healthcare investments: Investing in primary healthcare and preventive measures, such as vaccinations, can lead to substantial cost savings and improved health outcomes. For example, HPV vaccinations have been shown to reduce the risk of cervical cancer by up to 50%, highlighting their cost-effectiveness.
  • Economic Productivity: Health improvements directly correlate with enhanced economic productivity by reducing morbidity and increasing labor force participation. Conversely, high morbidity rates adversely affect productivity and national output. Tuberculosis-related deaths alone result in significant GDP losses.
  • Sustainable Development: To achieve sustainable development, Kenya must focus on strengthening primary healthcare, expanding access to essential health services, and addressing broader health determinants through multisectoral collaborations and innovative financing mechanisms.

Policy Recommendations:

  • Increase Healthcare Budget: Align health sector funding with the Abuja Declaration target to ensure adequate resources for health improvements.
  • Enhance Preventive Care: Prioritize investments in primary healthcare and preventive measures, including widespread vaccination programs.
  • Strengthen Multisectoral Collaborations: Foster partnerships across different sectors to address the social determinants of health and implement innovative financing solutions.
  • Boost Economic Productivity: Implement strategies to reduce morbidity and mortality rates, thereby enhancing labor productivity and overall economic output.


The study calls for urgent action to increase healthcare investments in Kenya. By doing so, the country can foster economic growth, ensure fiscal sustainability, and improve societal well-being, paving the way for a prosperous future and universal health coverage.
