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Health Master Plan 2021-2031 - P4H Network

Health Master Plan 2021-2031

The present Health Master Plan (Plan Directeur de la Santé – PDS) has been drafted in a post COVID-19 context.
Indeed, in the preface, the editors specify that“Haiti has not been spared (by the pandemic) with a cumulative 20,326 confirmed cases and 563 deaths as of July 30, 2021.”

The Minister of Public Health and Population (MSPP), Dr Marie Greta Roy CLEMENT, assures that :

The need to strengthen health systems and make them more resilient is becoming unavoidable.
That’s why, in this Master Plan, the Ministry has adopted a systemic approach, in contrast to previous ten-year plans where an approach based on priority diseases had been adopted.
In drawing up the Master Plan, the MSPP took into account the six pillars proposed by the World Health Organization for the development of an effective healthcare system.
This is based on the principle that a weak health system cannot combat a priority health problem aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality and improving the living conditions of a people.

Ministry of Public Health and Population-Haiti, Health Master Plan 2021-2031, 12 Jul 2021