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Household living conditions survey 2014 Comoros - P4H Network

Household living conditions survey 2014 Comoros

The Union of the Comoros, through the Institut National de la Statistique, des Etudes
Economiques et Démographiques (INSEED), the third phase of the 1-2-3 survey between May and June
2014. This third phase concerns household consumption and living conditions.
This phase, like the other two, was carried out with the financial support of the African Development Bank.
Development (ADB) through the Institutional Capacity Building Project (PRCI), and
technical support from the Observatoire Economique et Statistique de l “Afrique Subsaharienne (AFRISTAT).
Called Enquête sur les Dépenses de Consommation des Ménages aux Comores en 2014 (EDMC
2014), the results obtained will be used to produce key indicators for monitoring and evaluation.
evaluation of the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). She
will also provide a trend in the evolution of the poverty phenomenon since the last
2004 Integral Household Survey (EIM 2004).
This report presents the main final results of the EDMC. These give a
global situation on living conditions and poverty in the Union of the Comoros. The data thus
are statistically significant and gender-sensitive. The progress made
through the results obtained undoubtedly rhyme with the efforts deployed by the Governments
successive governments since 2004 and development partners to improve the environment
of the Comorian population.

29 May 2018