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Joint decree and procedures manual on free health care Burkina Faso - P4H Network

Joint decree and procedures manual on free health care Burkina Faso

Message from the ST CSU in charge of the dossier at the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health:
It’s an honor and a pleasure for me to share this important document with you, to strengthen the legal basis for the implementation of the free healthcare policy.
Article 6 of the decree – N°2016-311/PRES/PM/MS/MATDSI/MINEFID portant gratuité des soins au profit des femmes et enfants de moins de 5 ans – specifies that the methods of management, monitoring and control of effective application will be described in a procedures manual adopted by joint order between the Ministry of Health and MINEFID.
Using a “learning by doing” approach, with application guidelines that were updated as and when necessary, and drawing on lessons learned after at least a year of implementation, the Ministry of Health was able to draw up this management manual, which underwent several rounds of consultation.
This document must be made available to all those involved in its implementation (clinicians, managers, controllers, supervisors, inspectors, monitoring structures, etc.). I would therefore ask you to distribute them widely, to help harmonize practices.
I would like to point out, however, on behalf of the hierarchy, that the part concerning purchasing and invoicing rates will be the subject of a supplementary letter, so that all health facilities can start at the same time with the new strategic care purchasing system, based on lump sums allocated to homogeneous groups of services. An explanatory note with a presentation is planned for the next free care review meeting to better explain the principle of billing based on categories (1, 2 or 3 stars). I would therefore ask you to continue billing on an actual basis until this clarification is received.
As you will also have noticed, the Community level is taken into account in this procedures manual. However, implementation requires orientation sessions; I know that some district management teams have taken the initiative to get started, and it’s going well. For those who think they need specific support, the ST CSU, DSF and DPES, with the support of PTFs such as UNICEF and WB/WHO, are ready to help you; all you have to do is make the request.
Yours sincerely

Published on 12 Nov 2018