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Law on health insurance of Slovakia of 21 October 2004 - P4H Network

Law on health insurance of Slovakia of 21 October 2004

The Law on health insurance of Slovakia, signed by the Prime Minister of Slovakia Mikulas Dzurinda, and adopted by the Parliament of the Slovak Republic (Národná rada Slovenskej republiky) establishes health insurance, legal relations arising from health insurance and the redistribution of insurance premiums within public health insurance. It was adopted don October 21, 2024 was was amended numerous times since then. 

The concept and types of health insurance in the Law are defined as: 

  1. Health insurance is a) compulsory public health insurance, on the basis of which health care and services related to the provision of health care (hereinafter referred to as “health care”) are provided to public health insurance policyholders (hereinafter referred to as “policyholders”) under the conditions established by this Act to the extent established by a special regulation, 1) b) individual health insurance, on the basis of which health care is provided to individual health insurance policyholders to the extent determined in the contract pursuant to a special regulation.
  2. The provision of public health insurance is an activity in the public interest, in which public funds are managed. 2a) Public health insurance is provided by health insurance companies under the conditions laid down in a special regulation. 57)

The full text of the law in Slovak language is available here at the national website for legislative documents (, supported by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.

National Parliament of the Slovak Republic (Národná rada Slovenskej republiky), Law on health insurance of Slovakia of 21 October 2004, Slov-Lex právny a informačný portál, 21 Oct 2004