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Long-term care financing: lessons for low- and middle-income settings: Brief 7: Promoting quality and value in long-term care - P4H Network

Long-term care financing: lessons for low- and middle-income settings: Brief 7: Promoting quality and value in long-term care

Improving the quality and safety of long-term care for older adults in low- and middle-income countries requires robust quality assurance frameworks, comprehensive data collection, and inclusive research practices- WHO Centre for Health Development.

This policy brief addresses the critical need to improve quality and safety in long-term care (LTC) settings, as underscored by the high rates of preventable mortality among vulnerable older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brief 7 in the series on “Financing Health and Social Long-Term Care: Lessons for Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)” by the WHO Kobe Centre presents evidence to guide policymakers in LMICs on promoting quality and value in LTC. It emphasizes the importance of equitable, person-centred care and the establishment of strong quality assurance frameworks, including accreditation, regulation, and standards enforcement.

The brief highlights the need for robust data collection to monitor quality and improve LTC services, advocates for the inclusion of older adults in biomedical research, and suggests linking payments to quality care outcomes. The experiences of high-income countries offer valuable lessons for LMICs to develop effective LTC systems that ensure the well-being and quality of life for older populations.
