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RAMU analysis for ARCH Benin 2018 - P4H Network

RAMU analysis for ARCH Benin 2018

In 2011, the Benin government launched a compulsory health risk management scheme called Régime d’Assurance Maladie Universelle (RAMU). But this health insurance scheme, which is in principle contributory and compulsory, has produced mixed results. In line with its holistic social protection policy, the current government has adopted a new, inclusive vision for the extension of social protection, whose main implementation tool is the “Assurance pour le Renforcement du Capital Humain (ARCH)”. Adopted on May 3, 2017 by the Council of Ministers, it aims to increase capacity and access to basic social services, as well as foster economic opportunities in a sustainable and equitable way for Beninese, particularly among the most disadvantaged. With a view to capitalizing on the achievements of UHIP, the Government of Benin, via the Project Coordination Unit (UCP-ARCH), requested the support of USAID through the Health Governance Financing (HFG) project for an analytical review of this experience.
The general objective of this study is to collect and analyze information on UHIP in order to feed strategic thinking on the conceptualization and implementation of ARCH’s health insurance pillar.

Published on 06 Sep 2018