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Report on the analysis of cross-programmatic efficiency in health in Cameroon - P4H Network

Report on the analysis of cross-programmatic efficiency in health in Cameroon

This document has been prepared as part of the Cross-Programmatic Health Efficiency Analysis (CPEA) in Cameroon, conducted by the Ministry of Public Health with the support of the World Health Organization and the P4H network.

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) systems approach to the evaluation of health policies and programs (CPEA) was used. This is a method of evaluating the healthcare system as a whole, as well as specific disease control programs. The framework and steps for carrying out an EAPC analysis are based on a “health system functions” framework to break down health programs and the health system into their functional components: management/governance, financing, human and physical resources or inputs and service delivery. This system-wide analysis engages healthcare stakeholders in setting priorities and developing policy options to reduce areas of duplication, overlap and misalignment that impact on the effective and efficient use of available resources.

Four health programs were selected for the CPEA evaluation in Cameroon: HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), malaria and the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI).