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Revising economic measures of economic activity to reflect human and environmental health - P4H Network

Revising economic measures of economic activity to reflect human and environmental health

The WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All advocates for redefining GDP to reflect human and environmental health in its May issue of the WHO Bulletin.

The WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All advocates for revising the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to reflect human and environmental health, noting that current economic measures often overlook activities critical to well-being while valuing harmful ones. The article argues against replacing GDP with multiple metrics and instead suggests incorporating health and environmental costs directly into GDP calculations. This approach would highlight the true impact of economic activities on health and the environment, promoting a well-being economy. The authors call for systemic changes to recognize population health as an economic output and suggest actions for integrating health measures into economic policies to better guide societal progress.

Mark Hanson, Neena Modi, Paul Allin, Revising economic measures of economic activity to reflect human and environmental health, World Health Organization