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Socio-economic value of adult immunisation programmes - P4H Network

Socio-economic value of adult immunisation programmes

Adult immunisation programmes provide substantial health and economic benefits, returning up to 19 times their cost. Governments should prioritise funding and research to maximise these benefits and support healthier societies.

This study highlights the critical role of adult immunisation programmes in addressing global health challenges and easing the pressures on healthcare systems and society. By analysing the benefits of vaccines across ten countries and four specific diseases, the report provides compelling evidence that adult immunisation not only improves individual health but also offers significant economic returns. For every dollar spent, up to 19 dollars are returned in societal benefits, translating to billions in net monetary gains. Despite the clear advantages, gaps in evidence and inconsistent access to vaccines persist, risking suboptimal policy decisions. The study advocates for a prevention-first approach, robust funding, and expanded research to fully realise the value of adult immunisation.

Hania El Banhawi, Sulayman Chowdhury, Margherita Neri, Priscila Radu, Sian Hodgson, Eleanor Bell ,Simon Brassel, Lotte Steuten, Socio-Economic Value of Adult Immunisation Programmes, Office of Health Economics