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Strategic plan for the implementation of togo's national health services quality improvement policy 2020-2022 - P4H Network

Strategic plan for the implementation of togo’s national health services quality improvement policy 2020-2022

In order to reinforce the progressive implementation of Universal Health Coverage, Togo has adopted the present strategic plan, which focuses on five main points:

  • improving governance and leadership in the sector, to lay the regulatory foundations for quality health services. These databases will serve as a reference for all those in charge of health facilities as well as all health personnel, especially those involved in facility management;

  • setting up continuous quality improvement mechanisms in health facilities, including mechanisms for mobilizing and empowering clients, their families and the community to know their rights and demand quality health services;

  • the availability of quality health products at the right time and at the right price at all levels, especially in the most vulnerable communities;

  • reinforcing the resources needed to offer quality services, in particular qualified staff who care about customer perceptions. Ongoing technical and psychological support for those in the field, not to mention continuous performance improvement;

  • improving working conditions at all levels, especially in terms of infrastructure and medical-technical equipment. The aim is to enable all users of healthcare services to benefit from the advantages of new technologies, and to receive care in conditions that respect their dignity.
