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Study on the transfer of the free-of-charge mechanism to the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie in Burkina Faso - P4H Network

Study on the transfer of the free-of-charge mechanism to the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie in Burkina Faso

Within this framework, a transfer document has been drawn up and is structured around the following main points: (i) organization and operation of free-of-charge measures, (ii) identification of the functions and resources of free health care measures ; (iii) identification of the functions and resources to be transferred from the Ministry of Health to CNAMU; (iv) measures/products and modalities for the transfer and management of transferred domains ; (v) transfer and management plan for transferred products, (vi) collaboration arrangements, (vii) methods of paying invoices and justifying free health care funds, (viii) implementation of the transfer plan and role of players, (ix) monitoring and evaluation of the plan’s implementation, and (x) recommendations for a successful transfer.
The aim of our work is to propose the conditions and procedures for transferring free healthcare measures to the Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie universelle.

Published on 30 Aug 2019