This Supreme Decree 25265 established that children under 5 years of age, pregnant women in Bolivia had the right to access a basic package of preventive and curative health services, and the general population to the diagnosis and treatment of some communicable diseases. population to the diagnosis and treatment of certain communicable diseases.
The basic package of health services for children under 5 included: i) newborn care, ii) promotion of child nutrition and development, (iii) care of infectious diseases (acute diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, sepsis and meningitis); and iv) disease prevention through vaccination.
In the case of pregnant women, they could receive promotional, preventive and curative care in their prenatal checkups, prevention of pregnancy complications, obstetric emergency transport, information on institutional childbirth, childbirth care and postpartum checkups.
And the general population to the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, malaria, cholera, sexually transmitted diseases, except for the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and family planning counseling and services.