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The cost of inaction on health equity and its social determinants - P4H Network

The cost of inaction on health equity and its social determinants

Investments in social determinants can offset declines in human capital and reduce the risk of costly syndemics, while also ensuring fair access to healthcare innovations.

The BMJ Global Health article underscores the urgency of investing in health equity and its social determinants amidst rising inflation, debt, and fiscal constraints. It highlights pre-pandemic evidence demonstrating the high returns on such investments. During COVID-19, the costs of inaction on health equity have escalated, with setbacks in human capital and the emergence of costly syndemics. Moreover, innovations in healthcare remain inaccessible to many, hindering pandemic control and future health resilience. Despite fiscal pressures, the article argues for increased investments in health equity and social determinants, emphasizing their pivotal role in economic recovery and growth.

Pooja Yerramilli, Mickey Chopra, Kumanan Rasanathan, The cost of inaction on health equity and its social determinants , BMJ Global Health