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The health economic–industrial complex: production and innovation for universal health access, Brazil - P4H Network

The health economic–industrial complex: production and innovation for universal health access, Brazil

The May issue of the WHO Bulletin features an article on Brazil’s health economic–industrial complex, highlighting its role in developing local production and innovation for universal health access during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored global disparities in access to essential health products, highlighting the necessity for low- and middle-income countries to develop local production and innovation capabilities. In Brazil, the health economic–industrial complex approach revolutionised innovation and industrial policies, prioritising universal health access. The health ministry’s leadership and strategic public procurement fostered public and private investments, building robust institutional, technological, and productive capacities. This enabled Brazil to swiftly establish local COVID-19 vaccine production, ensuring broad access. By August 2021, 74.8% of the vaccines used in Brazil were locally produced.

Brazil’s universal health system, serving 215 million people, benefited from policies that aligned investments with health demands, strengthened local producers, and increased production autonomy. This case demonstrates that systemic development policies in low- and middle-income countries can enhance production capabilities, ensuring access to critical health supplies during global emergencies.

Carlos AG Gadelha, Gabriela Maretto, Marco AC Nascimento, Felipe Kamia, The health economic–industrial complex: production and innovation for universal health access, Brazil, World Health Organization