The event included two parts:
Part 1 – Workshop on how to maximize the health impact of social protection systems in the context of epidemics and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response PPR). Sessions were facilitated by members of the P4H Technical Exchange Group (P4H TEG), the Social Protection Inter-agency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B), the USP2030 Partnership and the SPARKS Network.
Part 2 – P4H Technical Exchange Group meeting. It was open to P4H-TEG members and invited experts. Sessions were organized by P4H-TEG working groups on PPR, and climate change and the alignment community of practice.

Epidemics and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: How to maximize the health impact of social protection systems?
The interplay between health and social protection has emerged in various fora as one of the key priorities for accelerating progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes in particular the need to reinforce the linkages between SDG target 1.3 on universal social protection (USP) and SDG target 3.8 on universal health coverage (UHC) to maximize their human development impact in different fora. They can be mobilized in tandem to contribute to epidemic and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPR).
The workshop was an opportunity for social protection and health practitioners working across promotion, extension of coverage and financing to reflect together on ways to maximize the health dividends of social protection policies in the context of epidemics and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. These reflections can help to build universal social protection systems, which are also so important across a range of other health outcomes. It seeks to ensure that efforts underway to stop communicable diseases like TB and any future crises surrounding pandemics can be leveraged better in the future to strengthen social protection systems and move towards UHC, while optimizing benefits for the efficiency, equitable uptake of public health and social measures, and health equity.
The workshop aimed at taking stock of the health impact of social protection systems on the prevention and response to past epidemics and pandemics, with a view to informing integrated policy design and implementation across health and social protection sectors. In particular, the workshop encouraged participants across sectors and technical specialities to reflect upon key questions and co-construct innovative solutions. The workshop shared relevant experience from country-examples and seeks to offer concrete steps for implementation at the national level.
Continuation of PPR discussions, Alignment COP
- Highlight the work of the PPR Working Group.
- Advance Alignment CoP technical exchanges and plan for next steps.
Session 1
Connections between social protection, employment, and the social determinants of health: Implications for epidemic and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
Session 2
Social protection in epidemic and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: lessons learned
Presentations: all presentations in one PDF file
- Epidemics and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: How to maximize the health impact of social protection systems? (PDF)
- Social protection, the social determinants of health and PPR (PDF)
- Lessons learned – Evidence, approach and intervention model from the fight against Tuberculosis (PDF)
- Lessons learned – Evidence, approach and intervention model from the fight against HIV/AIDS (PDF)
- Lessons learned from COVID-19 – Preliminary and confidential findings of a scoping review commissioned by WHO (PDF)
- Evidence gaps (PDF)
Session 3
Design and implementation features for social protection programmes to maximize their health impact in epidemic and pandemic PPR
Presentations per topic:
- Topic 1 – Covering the informal economy as an element of prevention and preparedness
How COVID-19 prompted the development of the National Strategy for the extension of SP to the informal economy and the process of strategy development (PDF) - Topic 2 – Social protection benefits crucial to support health
Introducing sickness cash benefits in Oman (PDF) - Topic 3 – Coordinated delivery and referral across social protection and health systems
Epidemics and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: How to maximize the health impact of social protection systems? (PDF)
Climate change and SHP/HF, links with SFHA and preparation of the next P4H SG meeting
- Take stock of April TEG meeting and decide on to concrete steps to be undertaken by P4HNetwork in the area of climate change.
- Share respective information about P4H Network TEG and SFHA initiative and presenttechnical work of both initiatives as well as agree on next steps.
- Prepare for the next SG meeting.
Session 4
PPR financing, a catalyst for integrated social protection and health systems building?
- One Health & Pandemic PPR Financing (PDF)
- Pursuing sustainable fiscal policies for health and social protection in the context of the well-being economy (PDF)
Session 5
Adopting a rights-based approach: why are legal frameworks key to coordinated prevention, preparedness and response across health and social protection systems?
- Adopting a rights-based approach: Why are legal frameworks key to coordinated prevention, preparedness and response accross health and social protection systems? (PDF)
- Setting the scene, law and UHC (PDF)
P4H Technical Exchange Group Meeting