Moldova received 2nd phase grant from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation to improve health financing
Switzerland supports Moldova’s efforts to achieve better health of the population, through ensuring universal access to affordable medical services of good quality. In its 2nd (exit) phase that will end in June 2027, Moldova will receive a grant of over CHF 3.3...
Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the EU4Health programme to benefit from EU funding opportunities
The European Commission and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina signed an agreement associating Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU4Health programme. This will enhance the country's health system’s capacity to respond to immediate health needs of...
An Analysis of Laws on Health Insurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Union's Council of Europe posted the following legal analysis report on its page dedicated to Social Security Coordination and Social Security Reforms: Document title: “An Analysis of Laws on Health Insurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Entity, Brcko District...
Austria’s Federal Law will enact “digital before outpatient before inpatient” principle for health financing sustainability
Federal Law "Vereinbarungsumsetzungsgesetz" (VUG) 2024 introduced changes to 13 laws to reform healthcare and to create the legal framework for the revision of planning. The bill aims to strengthen the private practice sector, expand digital services, support health...
Five-year tenure advances health financing policy in Mozambique
The five-year appointment of a P4H country focal person as health financing adviser to the Ministry of Health of Mozambique yielded multiple contributions. Complex relationships were deepened, and common cause was forged across sectors around shared interests and...
Bulgarian court’s suspension of financial limits on care volume will worsen the budget deficit
On Friday, 13 September, the Supreme Administrative Court finally suspended all financial limits on treatment for Bulgarian patients. This will increase the budget deficit faced by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) which is now obliged to pay hospitals even if...
Health Insurance Law of North Macedonia
Based on Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the President of the Republic of Macedonia and the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia approved the Law on Health Insurance through Decree on promulgation of...
WHO and the Ministry of Health of North Macedonia assessed barriers to care in rural areas
WHO and the Ministry of Health of North Macedonia published a report that assessed barriers to care in North Macedonia, focusing in rural areas and small urban settlements. In the overview of the report, WHO stated: This study, conducted in North Macedonia, explored...
Romanian National Health Strategy 2023 – 2030 and the Action Plan
The National Health Strategy 2023 - 2030 of Romania (labeled as Annex no. 1) and the corresponding Action Plan for the period 2023 - 2030 (labelled as Annex no. 2) are approved by the Government Decision and are available at the Ministry of Health's webpage here. The...
Law on health insurance of Slovakia of 21 October 2004
The Law on health insurance of Slovakia, signed by the Prime Minister of Slovakia Mikulas Dzurinda, and adopted by the Parliament of the Slovak Republic (Národná rada Slovenskej republiky) establishes health insurance, legal relations arising from health insurance and...
Reflections on Public-Private-Partnerships for Primary Care in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) for primary care services have grown significantly in South Asian countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, largely driven by local initiatives rather than central government planning. These partnerships have evolved from...
Capacity building for transitioning to health insurance in Uzbekistan
GIZ and SHIF trained 16 financial staff in Karakalpakstan to implement health insurance mechanisms, supporting Uzbekistan's healthcare reform launching in January 2025. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the State Health Insurance...
Compulsory health insurance: contribution levels now known
On Thursday, October 31, 2024, government spokesman Wilfried Houngbédji provided details on the costs of health insurance, the generalization phase of which will soon begin. Health insurance, one of the four integrated services of the Assurance pour le renforcement du...
Social protection and health insurance on the CIPB table
The Council of Private Investors in Benin (CIPB) in collaboration with the Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Bénin) organized a round table on health insurance. Employers and employees took part in this conclave, which opened on November 5 in Cotonou....
Functional health insurance for cultural players
Lhe CNAMGS (Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie et de Garantie Sociale) has moved to the Musée National des Arts, Rites et Traditions du Gabon to register artists and cultural players. Compulsory health insurance is now available to them. a few months. The enrolment...