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244 results
Fighting malaria in Burkina Faso: free treatment alone is not enough!
Fighting malaria in Burkina Faso: free treatment alone is not enough!
Burkina Faso

Measures are being taken by the government to facilitate access to care for patients. The aim is to eliminate the disease by the end of 2030. How are these measures perceived by the local population, and what is their assessment of the measures put in place ? A...

Burkina Faso: Towards a reduction in medical evacuations abroad
Burkina Faso: Towards a reduction in medical evacuations abroad
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso's deputies have unanimously adopted the bill authorizing ratification of the financing agreement for the construction of a radiotherapy center for cancer treatment in Bobo-Dioulasso. The aim is to enable the country of upright men to complete its...

Covid-19 in Burkina Faso: more than 39 billion FCFA to fight the disease
Covid-19 in Burkina Faso: more than 39 billion FCFA to fight the disease
Burkina Faso

Three loan agreements were submitted to the National Assembly for ratification, representing a total of 39,901,000,000 FCFA. This funding will help mitigate the socio-economic effects of the pandemic in Burkina Faso, strengthen the capacity for prevention, detection...

Мониторинг политики в области здравоохранения: ОГО подводят итоги в Буркина-Фасо
Мониторинг политики в области здравоохранения: ОГО подводят итоги в Буркина-Фасо
Burkina Faso

С 2018 года Национальный совет организаций гражданского общества (НСОГО/БФ) участвует в гражданском мониторинге предоставления государственных услуг в сфере здравоохранения. Регионы Hauts-Bassins и Nord находятся под прицелом этой федерации организаций гражданского...

Мониторинг политики в области здравоохранения: ОГО подводят итоги в Буркина-Фасо
Monitoring public health policies: CSOs take stock in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

Since 2018, the National Council of Civil Society Organizations (CNOSC/BF) has been engaged in citizen monitoring of public service provision in the health sectors. The Hauts-Bassins and Nord regions are in the sights of this federation of civil society organizations,...

Burkina Faso validates free treatment for HIV patients
Burkina Faso validates free treatment for HIV patients
Burkina Faso

Under the aegis of the President of Faso, the Conseil national de lutte contre le SIDA et les infections sexuellement transmissibles held its 19th ordinary session. It was an opportunity to validate the new HIV control framework covering the period...

Free healthcare in Burkina Faso: Call for improved budget allocations
Free healthcare in Burkina Faso: Call for improved budget allocations
Burkina Faso

On April 15, Save the Children held an information and advocacy workshop on the need to improve access to healthcare for pregnant women and children aged 0 to 5. This workshop follows on from a project to improve maternal and child health (PASMI) implemented in the...

Analysis of the political economy of the CSU in Burkina Faso
Analysis of the political economy of the CSU in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

RESADE (Recherche pour la Santé et le Développement) organized a workshop this Thursday, April 22, 2021, in Ouagadougou, to present the results of the study entitled " Economie politique de la couverture sanitaire universelle au Burkina Faso : points de vue...

Implementing CSU in Burkina Faso: RAME conducts two studies
Implementing CSU in Burkina Faso: RAME conducts two studies
Burkina Faso

During a workshop in Ouagadougou, RAME (Réseau accès aux médicaments essentiels) presented the results of two major studies on universal health coverage. The opening ceremony was chaired by Dr Pierre YAMEOGO, technical secretary for universal health...

Семинар, посвященный представлению результатов исследования: “Политическая экономика CSU в Буркина-Фасо: точки зрения партий и приоритеты исследований”.
Burkina Faso

Компания Recherche pour la Santé et Développement (RESADE) в сотрудничестве с Университетом Королевы Маргарет (Великобритания) провела исследование с целью анализа места и проблем использования политэкономического анализа в политике и практике универсального...

Burkina Faso inaugurates its first radiotherapy center
Burkina Faso inaugurates its first radiotherapy center
Burkina Faso

With a capacity to treat 1,500 patients a year, the center will be able to treat a number of cancers on site, including cervical, prostate, lung, rectal, esophageal and stomach cancers, according to the Ministry of Health. A radiotherapy center built by the State of...

Burkina Faso joins the Global Laboratory Leadership Program
Burkina Faso joins the Global Laboratory Leadership Program
Burkina Faso

" Global Laboratory Leadership Program (GLLP) or Programme mondial pour le leadership des Laboratoires au Burkina Faso " was born of the collaboration of six international organizations that support the development of laboratory systems worldwide. The...