World Bank Technical Review Mission 22-25 July 2013
The World Bank informs the MoH that a technical mission will be visiting Kenya during July 22-25, 2013. WB: "The proposed mission will focus on key health financing reforms in the light of the recent policies on abolition of user fee and free maternity care, and...
First info about new request for UHC analysis and options -/07/2013
The MOH is energetically taking forward the UHC agenda in Kenya - there is some new impetus driven by the new Cabinet Secretary and his team. So far, a Technical Working Group has been constituted to define a comprehensive UHC strategy for the Country. The TWG has...
Formation of UHC Technical Working Group in/05/2013
To facilitate the drafting and finalization of the Universal Health Coverage Strategy paper, a Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Health Financing ICC was created in May 2013. Objectives and expected deliverables (for the period Jul - Nov 2013) - Define the...
1st ICC-HF meeting after elections
The Inter-agency Coordination Committee (ICC) on Health Financing (HF) meets the first time after the elections on 12 April 2013. Key issues are free maternal health and abolition of user fees at levels 2 and 3, as well as the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF)...
P4H (External) Review of the Draft Health Financing Strategy – March 2012
The government of Kenya calls for health sector development partners to independently review both the content and development process of the draft strategy and to provide a road map for finalization and implementation in support of national health policies and...
Update on health financing issues in Kenya – November 2011
After completing the drafting of the Health Financing Strategy in early 2011, discussions at national level and in the National Social and Economic Forum focused on the organizational landscape of future health care financing. Several recent developments may influence...
P4H and the health financing inter-agency committee – October 2010
P4H partners are now represented and active in the health financing inter-agency committee (ICC), formerly known as the Health Financing Task Group, which is working on the health financing agenda and particularly on the implementation of the health care financing...
ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya
Following an advisory mission to Kenya undertaken from 28 June to 3 July by Xenia Scheil-Adlung and Axel Weber, ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya. See the mission report below....
NESC accepting the draft health financing strategy – April 2010
The draft healthcare financing strategy has been accepted by the National Economic and Social Council (NESC: national advisory agency for policy analysis and development – see website); both Ministries of Health are in the process of developing proposals for the...
Making progress on a Health Financing Strategy – December 2009
P4H network partners have funded a 3-month assignment supporting the government in finalising and disseminating the Kenya Health Care Financing Strategy. This strategy is the result of a consultative process initiated by the MOH back in 2007, and has now been...
Ministerial Study Tour to Paris, Berlin and London – January 2009
France, Germany, the UK and the World Bank, together with the government of Kenya organised a ministerial study tour on health financing to Paris, Berlin and London from 21 - 31 January 2009. Under the umbrella of P4H, the study tour aimed at: llustrating how...