Mauritania: 10,000 health insurance cards distributed
The Caisse nationale de solidarité sanitaire (CNASS) continues to expand throughout the country. On November 5, the municipality of Arafat launched the distribution of 10,000 health insurance cards to vulnerable groups. The mayor of the Arafat commune, Mr. Mohamed...
La OMS sensibiliza sobre la P4H durante una misión subregional de apoyo
La OMS ha apoyado al Ministerio de Sanidad en la elaboración de una hoja de ruta para una Estrategia Nacional de Financiación Sanitaria para la Cobertura Sanitaria Universal. La misión estuvo dirigida por el asesor político de la OMS para la financiación sanitaria en...
Mauritania: Amending Finance Law 2021, the prority to health!
The rectifying finance bill adopted by Mauritanian MPs on June 29 gives pride of place to the health sector. Indeed, this bill provides for budget cuts in almost all ministerial departments, with the exception of the one in charge of social welfare issues. The bill...
Mauritania: 100,000 low-income families to benefit from health insurance
This was an election promise by the President, and it has been kept. The first health insurance cards have been allocated to vulnerable families, in line with the commitment made by Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, who was elected two years ago. This initiative paves...
Covid19: $23 million disbursed to Mauritania
In response to covid-19, the IMF decided to increase its financing to the Mauritanian government. Initially intended to support a reform plan, the Extended Credit Facility agreement between Nouakchott and the Fund has been redirected towards a pandemic response...
Sharing of documents on the occasion of a mission by the WHO IST/WA health financing policy advisor.
Support for the finalization of the diagnosis of the health financing system and drafting of a roadmap for the development of the SNFS in 2018
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, a group of focal points including resource persons from the CNAM, the Ministry of Social Action and the Delegate Ministry in charge of the budget is tackling the final phase of the diagnosis of the health financing...
Mission to support the development of a diagnosis of the health financing system
The diagnosis of the health financing system is being carried out as part of WHO's support for the development of the SNFS. Attached are the 3 presentations made during the mission: - CSU presentation to health magazine: CSU presentation Nouakchott May 2016 -...
Joint AECID-WHO letter to the Minister of Health
TFPs in the health sector are proposing (among other things) the activation of the P4H network to support Mauritania in the area of health financing. 2015_12_23_OMS_AECID-Lettre_au_Ministre_sante_P4H