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5637 results
Reforming the public service medical aid scheme (PSEMAS) in Namibia

The Government of Namibia provides a significant proportion of funding to subsidize the PSEMAS for public servants. As part of efforts to ensure value for money, the Government is pursuing reforms to the scheme. A technical committee was set up early in 2021 to...


Through the CFP, P4H takes part in the monthly meetings of partners supporting the health sector in Burundi, chaired by the European Union.  Together with the World Bank, P4H coordinates the working group on health financing, which includes other partners such as...

Saudi Arabia to invest USD66 billion in healthcare by 2030
Saudi Arabia to invest USD66 billion in healthcare by 2030
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has set out plans to invest $66 billion in healthcare infrastructure and boost the private sector participation by 2030. The Kingdom plans to boost private sector participation from 40% to 65%.  This comes after the Saudi Council of Cooperative...

Saudi Arabia plans to attract 7.3bn USD into health from private investors
Saudi Arabia plans to attract 7.3bn USD into health from private investors
Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Ministry of Health aspires to increase the private sector’s participation in the sector from to 35 percent by 2030 from 25 percent.  The ministry is working with partners in the private sector and across government to implement a package of initiatives...

Nepal expanded health services in villages

Universal health coverage can be reached when all people can access quality health services. Nepal allocated the budget to establish new health centers, aiming to increase access to health care for the people living in the remote villages. To read more, please click...

Brunei started administering the second dose to adolescents
Brunei Darussalam

Vaccination is an important public health measure against COVID-19 pandemic. It is necessary to allocate budget and resources to support vaccine administration to all age groups, including adolescents. To read more, please click here. Source: Borneo...