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5556 results
Tying health taxes to health promotion is popular and effective in Thailand

This commentary explores Thailand's utilization of health taxes, specifically a 2% surcharge added to the excise tax on tobacco and alcohol. Thailand channels these health taxes into the Thai Health Promotion Fund to support health promotion initiatives. The document...

Reflections on GIZ supported costing studies in Asia and Africa
Reflections on GIZ supported costing studies in Asia and Africa

P4H Network has contributed to the costing study in Africa that GIZ has supported, among others, through its country focal person and health adviser in Tanzania.The Healthy DEvelopments article explores a series of complex costing studies supported by GIZ across...

Kenya Health Policy 2014-2030

The Kenya National Health Policy aims to improve the nation's health status in alignment with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Vision 2030, and global commitments. It underscores the government's commitment to achieving high health standards, responsive to population...

Social Health Insurance(General) Regulations, 2023

Kenya is currently undergoing a transition from the 57-year-old National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF). This shift aims to ensure equitable access to healthcare services for the impoverished and those in the informal sector...

Health financing for women and children amid climate change

The article published in BMJ Global Health explores the risks climate change poses to women children and adolescents, particularly in the most affected regions, and suggests ways to bridge health and climate finance to protect these groups. Women, children, and...

Gambia National Health Policy 2021-2030

The National Health Policy of The Gambia aligns with the country's development goals outlined in the National Development Plan. It aims to improve living standards by transforming the nation into a dynamic middle-income economy. This policy focuses on achieving...

Health Financing Strategy, 2017-2027: Towards UHC for Zambia

The Health Financing Strategy (HFS) 2017-2027 for Zambia aims to enhance the country's health financing framework in line with national health goals. Developed through a participatory process led by the Ministry of Health and the Health Financing Technical Working...

Chile: Advances in Health in 2 years of Government
Chile: Advances in Health in 2 years of Government

Zero co-payment implementation is highlighted as the main health care financial protection measure Since its implementation in September 2022 until November 2023, the Zero Copayment program in Chile has benefited 1,209,417 people, which has generated total savings...

Technical Note on Health System Financing in Colombia
Technical Note on Health System Financing in Colombia

The National Association of Colombian Businessmen (ANDI) and the Colombian Association of Integral Medicine Companies (ACEMI) presented a technical note to contribute to the debate on the financing of the healthcare system and its sustainability.The health system in...

Health Financial Protection before and during COVID-19 in Paraguay

An analysis is presented from the perspective of excessive, catastrophic and impoverishing out-of-pocket expenses in the National Health System.Public health spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product was equal to 1.8% between 2000 and 2009 and 2.8% between...